The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economics, commonly known as the nobel prize in economics went to Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson (AJR henceforth). Nobel prizes lend a certain credibility and normalisation to the ideas of the. . .
Professor Claudia Goldin of Harvard University won this year’s Nobel Prize in Economics (formally called the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2023), for “having advanced our understanding of women’s. . .
In the first part of this article, the focus was on suicides by daily wagers, agriculture workers and the unemployed. The suicide figures published by NCRB (2021) show a rising trend with the daily wagers. . .
The suicide figures published by NCRB (2021) show a rising trend, and an alarming one. Daily wagers are the highest sections dying. Within the farming sector, it is agricultural workers who have this dubious distinction. . .