July 28 Call

On the occasion of the 52nd Anniversary of Comrade Charu Mazumdar's Martyrdom, and 50th anniversary of Party Reorganisation, prepare the Party for a New Phase of Growth and expansion.  The 11th Party Congress in Patna had directed the party to summon all its strength to intensify the resistance against Indian fascism. The 2024 elections were a major test for the Indian people in this ongoing battle. The people have delivered a major blow to the fascist regime and we are glad to have played our all-out role and won some victories in this big national campaign. Comrades everywhere worked hard and Comrades Vishnudev Yadav, Dinesh Singh and Ashok Singh became martyrs in this struggle. We remember all these comrades with a heavy heart.

The 2024 results have now put us in a position of bigger responsibility. We will have to discharge our role in Parliament and combine it with our increased role outside of Parliament in the wider arena of people's struggles. In Bihar we must make full use of our successive gains in 2020 and 2024 elections to place the party on a stronger footing. In other states too we must make the most of the new situation to take the party forward.

The BJP has lost its independent majority and the government has returned considerably weakened. But the government is trying to pretend as though nothing has happened. Modi is again Prime Minister, Amit Shah is again Home Minister, Om Birla is the Speaker. Left to itself, the Modi government would try to run the third term in much the same way it ran the second term with daily assault on the people's livelihood, the Constitution and the parliamentary democratic system. And the lynch mobs and riot squads of the Sangh brigade are back on the streets, resuming the cycle of violence and complementing the state-led repression with state-backed extra-judicial campaign of privatised street violence.

Looking at the direction and spirit of the 2024 mandate, we of course know that the people have put the Modi government on notice while giving enough strength to INDIA to take on the Modi government on every issue within the Parliament and beyond. We played a key role in articulating the popular urge for formation of a broad-based unity of political and social forces and people's movements against the Sangh brigade's fascist aggression. INDIA has taken shape in this process as an overarching unity of political forces on the all-India level including forces fighting against each other in local contexts. We must now play our role in taking this process to the next level to deliver bigger blows to the BJP and NDA in the next round of Assembly election.

The expansion and consolidation of CPI(ML) holds the key at this juncture to a stronger and more energetic intervention of the Left, and it is a must to ensure a decisive defeat of the fascist regime. This 28 July we are observing not only the 52nd anniversary of the martyrdom of Comrade Charu Mazumdar, but also the 50th anniversary of the reorganisation of the Party Central Committee. The reorganisation and the rectification campaign which followed had enabled the Party not only to withstand the Emergency and overcome the setback of the 1970s, but had also placed the Party on the road to comprehensive growth and all-India expansion. Today the Party needs another such phase of expansion and consolidation to answer the challenges of the day. Let the July campaign prepare the Party for this new phase.

- Central Committee, CPI(ML) (Liberation) 

July 28 Call